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X-Bionic Arm Warmers Lady

X-Impact Technology for improved nutrient supply: These rather special arm warmers have a stabilising influence on the blood vessels. By supporting these vessels, the circulatory system is unburdened and oxygen and nutrient provision is improved. Through improved return flow of the venous blood to the heart, muscles and organs have quicker access to performance-enhancing oxygen and nutrients.

X-Impact Technology for reduced muscle vibration: By stabilising your muscles and reducing vibrations, you'll conserve your energy reserves and optimise your performance. This is achieved without restricting your freedom of movement.

ExpansionRibs: This clever system protects the elbow. The high-tech knitted structure folds based on the accordion principle, ensuring that penetrating cold doesn't cool the elbows. Even when sharply bent, the insulating property is maintained through warm air stored in the inner chambers. The flexibility of the ExpansionRibs and the elasticity of the yarn allow a frictionless freedom of movement.

Thermal Window: The thermal window on the inside of the arm dissipates heat at a controlled rate. The fine knitted structure immediately ducts moisture away.

AirGuides: These work like spacers and borders along the AirConditioning Channel that runs along the inside of the arm.

Self-Adjusting Cuff: Fits any size of arm without constricting or slipping.

SkinNODOR: This specially developed yarn inhibits the growth of bacteria using nano-technology, thus reducing any unpleasant odour.






  • Ladies

  • Road


On steep descents, icy winds coupled with the speed at which you're travelling, cause your arms to cool very quickly. The X-BIONIC Arm's XQ-1, from the Energy Accumulator range, protect your muscles against cold and help prevent injury. Your arms lose heat differently in specific areas, so the high-tech knitting technology insulates accordingly. The ExpansionRibs at the elbows, for example, protect against the penetrating cold, regardless of whether the arm is straight or bent, and will not thin out like other garments. Coupled with this effective temperature regulation is the revolutionary X-Impact Technology - high compression for enhanced performance. This helps to improve circulation and reduce muscle vibration, thus saving you energy. Use the X-BIONIC Arm's XQ-1 on the bike or when running, and simply roll down to the wrist when not required.

About the X-Bionic brand

X Bionic are the manufacturers of compression base layers, pants, shorts, and t-shirts. Whether you're skiing, climbing, running or cycling, your body is working hard to regulate itself to a constant 98.6° F. That's when award-winning X-Bionic® Functional Sportswear comes in. Delivering high performing, fully functional workout apparel is what they do best. As leaders within the industry, X-Bionic® Functional Sportswear was developed by leading European textile scientists who have engineered proprietary fibres' and fabric constructions to cool you when you're sweating and keep you warm when it's cold.

Specification information



X-Bionic Arm Warmers Lady

X-Impact Technology for improved nutrient supply: These rather special arm warmers have a stabilising influence on the blood vessels. By supporting these vessels, the circulatory system is unburdened and oxygen and nutrient provision is improved. Through improved return flow of the venous blood to the heart, muscles and organs have quicker access to performance-enhancing oxygen and nutrients.

X-Impact Technology for reduced muscle vibration: By stabilising your muscles and reducing vibrations, you'll conserve your energy reserves and optimise your performance. This is achieved without restricting your freedom of movement.

ExpansionRibs: This clever system protects the elbow. The high-tech knitted structure folds based on the accordion principle, ensuring that penetrating cold doesn't cool the elbows. Even when sharply bent, the insulating property is maintained through warm air stored in the inner chambers. The flexibility of the ExpansionRibs and the elasticity of the yarn allow a frictionless freedom of movement.

Thermal Window: The thermal window on the inside of the arm dissipates heat at a controlled rate. The fine knitted structure immediately ducts moisture away.

AirGuides: These work like spacers and borders along the AirConditioning Channel 插花/花藝 that runs along the inside of the arm.

Self-Adjusting Cuff: Fits any size of arm without constricting or slipping.

SkinNODOR: This specially developed yarn inhibits the growth of bacteria using nano-technology, thus reducing any unpleasant odour.






  • Ladies

  • Road


On steep descents, icy winds coupled with the speed at which you're travelling, cause your arms to cool very quickly. The X-BIONIC Arm's XQ-1, from the Energy Accumulator range, protect your muscles against cold and help prevent injury. Your arms lose heat differently in specific areas, so the high-tech knitting technology insulates accordingly. The ExpansionRibs at the elbows, for example, protect against the penetrating cold, regardless of whether the arm is straight or bent, and will not thin out like other garments. Coupled with this effective temperature regulation is the revolutionary X-Impact Technology - high compression for enhanced performance. This helps to improve circulation and reduce muscle vibration, thus saving you energy. Use the X-BIONIC Arm's XQ-1 on the bike or when running, and simply roll down to the wrist when not required.

About the X-Bionic brand

X Bionic are the manufacturers of compression base layers, pants, shorts, and t-shirts. Whether you're skiing, climbing, running or cycling, your body is working hard to regulate itself to a constant 98.6° F. That's when award-winning X-Bionic® Functional Sportswear comes in. Delivering high performing, fully functional workout apparel is what they do best. As leaders within the industry, X-Bionic® Functional Sportswear was developed by leading European textile scientists who have engineered proprietary fibres' and fabric constructions to cool you when you're sweating and keep you warm when it's cold.

Specification information

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